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Products for Key Stage 2 Science

These Year 6 sample assessment pages are about 'Materials and their Properties'.  Graphics are by In House Publishing and Desktop Projects, Stockport.

The questions assess the following Science Attainment Targets:

Grouping and classifying materials
Changing materials
Separating mixtures of materials

This material is designed to be read by Years 5/6 children, with a little parent or teacher help allowed when necessary.  Alternatively, our Talking Textease tests can be read out aloud by a computer.  Answer sheets and explanations are also supplied.

A cross-curricular link with
Geography has been explored.

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rinting can give excellent results from Microsoft Internet Explorer, using A4 paper.



1     The sauce flows easily out of this bottle, and it also keeps keeps its volume.

                                    ks2y5a01.gif (32894 bytes)

        The sauce must be a

        A     Gas
        B     Liquid                                                                                                                 1
        C     Powder
        D     Solid
        E     Solvent                                                                                          3/1e


2     Degrees Celsius (°C) are the units of

        A     Energy
        B     Heat                                                                                                                   1
        C     Hotness
        D     Temperature
        E     Warmth                                                                                          3/2b


3     Adding sugar to hot water in a tea cup causes the sugar to

        A     Boil
        B     Condense                                                                                                         1
        C     Dissolve
        D     Evaporate
        E     Freeze                                                                                          3/2a


4     To get the sugar back again from the hot water, the water could be

        A     Boiled
        B     Condensed                                                                                                      1
        C     Dissolved
        D     Evaporated
        E     Frozen                                                                                          3/2d                                                                                           
                                                                                                   Turn over


5     Outside, the temperature on Christmas Day was -10°C, while it was 20°C
        inside the church.

ks2y5a05.gif (102791 bytes)

        The temperature difference between outside and inside was

        A   -10°C
        B       0°C                                                                                                               1
        C    10°C
        D    20°C
        E     30°C                                                                                                 3/2b


6     Look at this lovely box of chocolates for Christmas!

                            ks2y5a06.gif (33353 bytes)

        Melting chocolate is an example of

        A    A change which cannot be reversed
        B    A change which can be reversed                                                                  1
        C    Condensation
        D    Dissolving
        E     Evaporation                                                                                      3/2c


7     Two candles were burning on the branch of a Christmas tree.

                            ks2y5a07.gif (69203 bytes)

        Burning the candles completely is an example of

        A    A change which cannot be reversed
        B    A change which can be reversed                                                                  1
        C    Condensation
        D    Dissolving
        E     Evaporation                                                                                      3/2f                                                                                                                     
                                                                                                    [ Turn over


        Some powder was poured into a jar of cold water.  Only 25 g of the
        powder will completely dissolve in 100 ml of cold water.

                                           ks2y5a08.gif (2060 bytes)

8      How much cold water will be needed to dissolve 500 g of powder?

        A     100 ml
        B     250 ml                                                                                                             1
        C     500 ml
        D   1000 ml
        E   2000 ml                                                                                               3/3e


9      How much powder will dissolve in 400 ml of cold water?

        A     25 g
        B     50 g                                                                                                                  1
        C     75 g
        D   100 g
        E   125 g                                                                                               3/3e



        Some more water was then heated up until it was hot.

10    How much powder could now be dissolved in 400 ml of the hot water?

        A     25 g
        B     50 g                                                                                                                  1
        C     75 g
        D   100 g
        E   125 g                                                                                               3/2b

                                                                                                                    [ Turn over


11    Here is a lovely house in the country.  Inside, Mum is running a bath for
        her children.

ks2y5a11.gif (30620 bytes)

        Actually, all the water we use at home goes through a very long cycle
        called the water cycle - all the rain which falls from the clouds eventually
        returns back up to the clouds.

        (i)    Describe how the rain which falls from the clouds arrives through
                pipes for the bath in your house.                                                                   5

      (ii)    Describe how the water which runs out of the bath plug-hole in your
                house eventually goes on to form clouds again in the sky.                         5


Answer sheets and explanations are supplied.  There are also an answer table and grid in the complete test. 

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Last modified: 25 September, 1999