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Assessment, Homework, Testing, Tests - Products

Please note carefully - parents and schools CANNOT buy exactly the same tests, but the standards of both sets of assessments are equivalent.

In House Publishing produces assessment and homework packs for the following 5-14 middle, primary and secondary school subjects, including tests and examinations, to help pupils with exams and home study.

In House Publishing International

In House Publishing products are available (or planned) for Scotland, England&Wales, Ireland, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Also purchased by a publisher for Canada, Mexico and the USA, this 'teacher friendly' curriculum development model has taken off throughout the UK.   Products use the guidelines published by international education bodies such as DFEE, HMIS, QCA, SCCC, SCET, SCOTOFF,  SOEID, SQA and TAAS.

Reproduction Master Packs

Assessment Packs for home and school, with tests and examinations.

Homework Packs for home and school, with differentiated difficulty levels.

Software Packs

The packs can be bought as paper packs, or in a variety of popular computer disk formats, such as Acorn Impression Publisher, Microsoft Word for Apple Macintosh or PC , and now also as Talking Textease for Acorn, Apple and PC.  IHP can be contacted by email, fax or telephone - we will be very pleased to help you and your children.

Here to help with k-12, 5-14 assessment, exams, homework, tests  - In House Publishing!!


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Last modified: 25 September, 1999